
What is Drupal?

7 reasons to use Drupal

  1. Reusability
    Open source software makes it easy to reuse existing software. There are no legal requirements to be able to use open source software made by others.
  2. Quality
    There is a large ecosystem of Norwegian and international companies, organisations and individuals who specialise in Drupal. Thousands of developers contribute with code improvements.
  3. Efficiency
    Open source software makes developers more efficient. They can share code and libraries between each other and build upon solid foundations made by others to avoid having to do everything from scratch.
  4. No provider dependency
    If you are dissatisfied with your provider, another can easily take over your site.
  5. Economy
    There are no licensing fees attached to open source software. You only pay for adaptations and organisation. A wide range of components (modules and libraries) are functional and ready for use free of charge.
  6. Sharing
    Open source software makes it possible to share solutions made by yourself or expand on solutions made by others.
  7. Security
    Drupal is widely used in counties, municipalities and governmental organisation such as universities as well as in the media industry. This means that the code is probably the most revised in the world. Drupal has a dedicated Security Team consisting of more than 30 persons.

Ramsalt Lab on Drupal.org