Avvir lansert - Ny nettavis på Ramsalt Media

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Verdens eneste samiskspråklige dagsavis er lansert på avisplattformen Ramsalt Media.

Vi gleder oss til å jobbe videre med avisen og spre samiske dagsaktuelle nyheter ut i den digitale verden. Ávvir har kontor i Karasjok, Kautokeino, Alta og Lakselv og har et papiropplag på omlag 1100 eksemplarer. Máilmmi áidna sámegiel beaiveáviisa lea dál almmuhuvvon Ramsalt Media aviisalávddis.Mii illudit viidásat ovttasbargui áviissain ja juohkit sámi áigeguovdilis áššiid digitála máilbmái. Ávviris leat kantuvrrat Kárášjogas, Guovdageainnus, Álttás ja Leavnnjas, ja das leat birrasiid 1100 bábiráviisalohkki.


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We have gathered some reasons why Drupal could be a better choice for your needs.

Yngve W. Bergheim
Yngve W. Bergheim

Cookies have played a significant role in the digital landscape for quite some time, offering various benefits. However, as online information becomes more abundant, the search giant Google is taking a decisive step by phasing out third-party cookies in its Chrome browser. 

Pierre Aryee
Perry Aryee

With Drupal 9 having reached its end of life (EOL) on November 1, it’s time to start planning for an upgrade.

Pierre Aryee
Perry Aryee

Drupal has been a robust choice for building and maintaining websites for decades. Like all other CMS systems, technological advancements and security requirements continually evolve at rapid speed and older software versions will be taken off the market.

Nina Holzapfel